Realty Nepal is Complete Real Estate Solution for Nepal
A fully furnished Apartment for rent at Naxal. This property offers 3BHK ( 3 bedrooms, 1 Living Room,a store, a kitchen dining and 3 attached & 1 common bathrooms) and 18ft access to the pithed road. It has all types of facilities like wifi, hot/cold water supply, swimming pool, gems,24 hours security enough space for parking with the easy asses to the market place. Monthy charge of the apartment is 1500$.
Maharajgung, Maharajgung
Soyambhu , Kathmandu
Baluwatar, Baluwatar
Nursery Road, Lazimpat-2, Kathmandu
Sundar Basti, Imadol-1, Lalitpur
Kupondol, Kupondol